Yo Fukushima, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University
福島 洋(Ph.D.)
東北大学災害科学国際研究所 災害評価・低減研究部門 准教授
東北大学理学研究科 地球物理学専攻(兼任)
東北大学理学研究科 地学専攻(兼任)
Tel: +81-22-752-2069
E-mail: yo.fukushima.c3 at tohoku.ac.jp
Brief Introduction
地震や火山等の理学的な研究と、災害軽減に資する社会科学を含む学際的な研究を行っています。 東北大学大学院理学研究科地球物理学専攻および地学専攻の兼任教員として、これらの専攻に所属する学生の指導も行っています。
I am a free-style researcher interested in earthquakes, volcanoes, and other associated phenomena, and in inter-disciplinary research for raising preparedness against future disasters. I am also an adjoint faculty of the Graduate School of Science of Tohoku University (Geophysics and Geoscience) and I am supervising master's and doctoral students of the graduate school.
(Feb 2025) Publication: Yoshida, K., Y. Fukushima, and Y. Kaneko (2025) Near-Field Imaging of Near-Identical Mw5.9 Earthquakes in the Crust of Ibaraki, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 130(2), e2024JB029791. https://doi.org/10.1029/2024JB029791
(Feb 2025) Publication: 鉢呂和己・福島洋 (2024) 光学衛星画像ピクセルオフセット解析による2023年トルコ南東部地震の地表断層変位計測と精度検討, 測地学会誌, 70, 173-186.
(Jan 20, 2025) 今年度より着手している「防災行動変容プロジェクト」のウェブサイトを開設しました。 リンク
(Dec 2024) Publication: Saito, R., T. Oda, A. Sakurai, T. Sato, and Fukushima, Y. (2024) Challenges and potentials for “supporting supporters” on education: A practical and rapid case study of the centralized information portal site in the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake. Journal of Disaster Research, 19(6), 912–920. https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2024.p0912
(Aug 2024) Publication: Yoshida, K., R. Takagi, Y. Fukushima, R. Ando, Y. Ohta, and Y. Hiramatsu (2024) Role of a hidden fault in the early process of the 2024 Mw7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, 51(16), e2024GL110993. https://doi.org/10.1029/2024gl110993
(Aug 11, 2024) On the alert issued on 8 August 2024 against Nankai megathrust earthquakesを公開しました。
(Jan 9, 2024) 令和6年能登半島地震(M7.6)のSAR画像解析による地盤変動の特徴 Ground deformation due to the 1 Jan 2024 Noto-Hanto Earthquake (M7.6) captured by SAR image analysisを公開しました。
(Jun 2023) Publication: Chubachi, N., K. Konno, Y. Fukushima, and T. Sato (2023) “What if the Nankai Trough Earthquake Occurred?”: A Collaboration Between Academia with the Media Using a Newspaper-Making Workshop as a Starting Point to Engage Elementary School Students and Their Parents in Disaster Risk Reduction, J. Disaster Research, 18, 397-414.
(Apr 2023) Publication: Raimbault, B., Jolivet, R., Calais, E., Symithe, S., Fukushima, Y. and Dubernet, P. (2023) Rupture Geometry and Slip Distribution of the Mw 7.2 Nippes Earthquake, Haiti, From Space Geodetic Data, Geochem Geophys Geosyst, 24, e2022GC010752. DOI: 10.1029/2022GC010752.
Chubachi, N., K. Konno, Y. Fukushima, T. Sato (2023) “What if the Nankai Trough Earthquake Occurred?”: A Collaboration Between Academia with the Media Using a Newspaper-Making Workshop as a Starting Point to Engage Elementary School Students and Their Parents in Disaster Risk Reduction, J. Disaster Research, 18, 397-414.
(Apr 2023) Publication: Hirano, K., Y. Fukushima, H. Maruya, M. Kido, M. Sugiura (2023) The Anticipated Nankai Trough Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan: Determinant Factors of Residents’ Pre-Event Evacuation Intentions, J. Disaster Research, 18, 233-245.
(Jan 2023) Publication: 中埜貴元・藤原智・宮嶋愛菜・福島洋(2023) 干渉SARとSfM-MVS技術による盛土の地震時変動の評価, 地盤工学会誌, 71(1), 30-34.
(Jan 2023) Publication: Sailellah, S. N., and Y. Fukushima (2023) Comparison of Tropospheric Delay Correction Methods for InSAR Analysis Using a Mesoscale Meteorological Model: A Case Study from Japan, Earth, Planets and Space 75 (1): 1–15, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-023-01773-z.
(Jan 2023) Publication: Fukushima, Y., T. Nishikawa, and Y. Kano (2023) High probability of successive occurrence of Nankai megathrust earthquakes, Scientific Reports, 13, 63, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-26455-w.
(Sep 2022) Participation: 日米独先端科学(JAGFOS)シンポジウム(15--18 Sep 2022, Irvine, CA, USA)にIntroductory Speakerとして参加しました。 https://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-jagfos/2022_03.html
(Sep 2022) Publication: Miyajima, A., Y. Fukushima, T. Nakano, and S. Fujiwara (2022) Deformation of reclaimed valleys in Sendai during the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake detected by InSAR and its background factors, J. Japan Soc. Natural Disaster Sci., 41 Special Issue, 19-35, in Japanese with English abstract.
(Mar 2022) Publication: Calais E, Symithe S, Monfret T, et al (2022) Citizen seismology helps decipher the 2021 Haiti earthquake. Science 376:283–287
(Feb 2022) Publication: Ghayournajarkar N, Fukushima Y (2022) Using InSAR for evaluating the accuracy of locations and focal mechanism solutions of local earthquake catalogues. Geophys J Int 230:607–622
(Feb 2021) Publication: Ishimura D, Tsutsumi H, Toda S, et al (2021) Repeated triggered ruptures on a distributed secondary fault system: an example from the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, southwest Japan. Earth Planets Space 73:1–17
(Dec 2020) Publication: Dianala JDB, Jolivet R, Thomas MY, et al (2020) The relationship between seismic and aseismic slip on the Philippine fault on Leyte island: Bayesian modeling of fault slip and geothermal subsidence. J Geophys Res [Solid Earth] 125:. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020jb020052
(Nov 2020) Publicaton: Fukushima Y, Ishimura D (2020) Characteristics of secondary-ruptured faults in the Aso Caldera triggered by the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake. Earth Planets Space 72:1–15
(May 2020) Publication: Ghayournajarkar N, Fukushima Y (2020) Determination of the dipping direction of a blind reverse fault from InSAR: case study on the 2017 Sefid Sang earthquake, northeastern Iran. Earth Planets Space 72:1–15.
(9 Nov 2019) Publication "Surface creep rate distribution along the Philippine fault, Leyte Island, and possible repeating of Mw ~ 6.5 earthquakes on an isolated locked patch" appeared in Earth, Planets and Space.
(9 Nov 2019) Publication "Surface creep rate distribution along the Philippine fault, Leyte Island, and possible repeating of Mw ~ 6.5 earthquakes on an isolated locked patch" appeared in Earth, Planets and Space.
(Sep 2019) 2019年度地震学会秋季大会の特別シンポジウム「南海トラフ地震臨時情報:科学的データや知見の活用」にコーディネーターとして企画や司会を担当しました。 リンク
(12 Oct 2018) 最近取り組んでいる、地震に関する事前情報の社会対応の問題について、地震学会2018年度秋季大会で発表しました。研究のページに、簡単な紹介をするとともに、地震学会発表スライドを公開しました。
(7 Aug 2018) Publication "Extremely early recurrence of intraplate fault rupture following the Tohoku-Oki earthquake" appeared in Nature Geoscience.
Free access here: https://rdcu.be/36Bn
(13 June 2018) Publication on Kilauea volcano appeared in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
(1 June 2018) ブログ「フランス留学時の話」更新。
(1 May 2018) 世話人代表をやっていた勉強会のレポート集が発行されました。南海トラフ地震予測対応勉強会 成果・報告レポート集
(1 May 2018) Website created.